Les Mondes Futurs

NeirdA & Z3ro feat. Stephen Besse

THINGS TO COME is, at first, a novel written by H.G. Wells, great british author and pioneer of the Science-Fiction (The War of the Worlds, The Time Machine, The Invisible Man...). Must-see rare Masterpiece, THINGS TO COME is also an anticipation movie of a troubling relevance, a prophetic vision of our time and of our relation to the technological progress, and an anti-war pamphlet.

NEIRDA & Z3RO french duet (Movie-concert THE PRISONNER, Live-Cinema DÉJÀ-VU), featuring on keyboards, STEPHEN BESSE (FUNKTRAUMA, official re-mixer of THE HERBALISER), explores new psychedelic, electronic and cinematic climaxes, with a retro-futurist vision.

THINGS TO COME is a 2015 creation produced by LA STATION SERVICE (Rennes), FESTIVAL PREMIERS PLANS (Angers), FESTIVAL TRAVELLING (Rennes), L’ANTIPODE MJC (Rennes), La NEF (Angoulême) and La Tangente - MJC PICAUD (Cannes)

# we propose workshops : movie-concert initiation, Shows for schools (college and high-schools)...

# A movie by William Cameron Menzies & HG Wells (Great Britain, B&W, 1936, 90 mn). Numerical Projection or DVD {}


14 déc 2018
Les Mondes Futurs

Création Hommage à Youssef Chahine
Alexandrie (Egypte)

12 déc 2018
Les Mondes Futurs

Création Hommage à Youssef Chahine
Le Caire (Egypte)

30 nov 2018
Les Mondes Futurs

La Fabrique
Guéret (23)

03 nov 2018
Les Mondes Futurs

Kaoh Siung International Film Festival
Kaoh Siung (Taïwan)

23 oct 2018
Les Mondes Futurs

Le Tamanoir
Gennevilliers (92)

08 oct 2018
Les Mondes Futurs

Tlemcen (Algérie)

06 oct 2018
Les Mondes Futurs

Annaba (Algérie)

04 oct 2018
Les Mondes Futurs

Alger (Algérie)

29 aoû 2018
Les Mondes Futurs

Festival de Arte Novas
Chihuahua (Mexique)

26 aoû 2018
Les Mondes Futurs

Festival de Arte Novas
Chihuahua (Mexique)

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